Climate Change World Summit: The growing mobilization of non-state actors, particularly since COP22 in Marrakech, shows that the reinforcement and progress of concrete actions taking place in territories are indeed essential to meet the objectives of the fight against climate change.
It is against this background that the next edition of the Climate Chance World Summit, the annual gathering of climate actors, will take place from the 11th to the 13th September 2017 in Agadir, Morocco. In partnership with the Souss-Massa Region, this summit will be the biggest event for non-state actors (local authorities, companies, NGOS, etc.) before COP23.
The Climate Chance vision is based on the promotion of multistakeholder dialogue and concrete actions, with a special attention given to priority issues such as nancing for action, the convergence of the climate and development agendas, the importance of a territorial approach, etc.
The Climate Chance Summit is organized around a variety of events: plenaries to discuss major issues and bring together key personalities from the international climate action sphere, high- level dialogues with climate champions, focus sessions to present signi cant initiatives, forums and workshops to highlight the mobilization and acceleration of climate action, etc.
The Summit will provide a comprehensive overview of the state of engagement of non-state actors. It will also be an opportunity for the elected representatives of cities and regions to take a strong stand, echoing the commitments made by the networks of local and regional authorities during the «Climate and Territories» summit in Lyon in July 2015.
This new Climate Chance edition is a unique opportunity to demonstrate collectively that it is through the reinforcement and streamlining of concrete actions that we will succeed in meeting the objectives of the ght against climate change.
The Summit is already a major event for non-state actors committed to climate change, with thousands of participants expected from some 50 countries and more than 300 speakers selected from among hundreds proposals received during the call for contribution. It will emphasize the autonomy of the mobilization of non-state actors engaged in the ght against climate change, less subject nowadays to the contingencies of government choices.
5 plenaries will debate big topics bringing together key gures in the international climate action;
5 high-level dialogues: participative meetings to and concrete solutions;
14 focus groups on mobilizing initiatives;
15 themed forums: annual meetings of themed coalitions federated by the Climate Chance dynamic;
80 workshops to put the spotlight on the selected good practices out of 300 received contributions.
These 3 days of work and debates will end with the signing of two declarations:
The Agadir declaration of non-state actors and the Declaration of the Elected and Presidents of African regions, which will form essential road maps for the non-state actors community to the way of reaching the ght against climate change goals reaf rmed in the Agreement of Paris.
A year after the adoption of the Marrakech partnership that originated in the Lima-Paris Action Agenda, this summit will be a unique opportunity to analyze and valorize the progress of the climate action. The main goals of the summit are to bring to the COP23 concrete elements allowing the backing of the climate champions and to amplify the climate action by maximizing the collaboration opportunities between the States and non-state actors.
This summit will also be within the framework of cities and regions’ elected speaking up in echo of the engagements took by the territorial collectivities’ networks during the “Climat et territoires” summit on July 2015 in Lyon, France.
A summit with a committed and recognized international dynamic
This second edition is an important step before the “Facilitating Dialogue”, big event of the States Parties in 2018, the objective of which is to make state of their ambition in relation to the objectives set by the Paris Agreement. Following the multi-actors dialogue dynamic engaged since the Climate & Territories World Summit in Lyon (2015) and after the success of the rst edition of the Climate Chance World Summit in Nantes (2016), the 2017 edition will be the re ect of this mobilization by suggesting a place of dialogue and synergies and a place of convergence of different event about the Climate. “ The Marrakech COP22 was a meeting of decisions, the Agadir Summit will be a meeting of actions.” Said Hakima El Haité, climate moroccan champion and His Majesty’s special envoy for the mobilization to show that Climate Chance World Summit’s main ambition is to reinforce the synergies between actors and accompany the State Parties in the climate convention in reaching the objectives set in Paris on 2015.
This edition will continue to be a force for concrete proposals with a bottom-up vision and a strong territorial anchorage; it will be the showcase of good practices on the eld. It will provide a platform for exchanges to consolidate cooperation and dialogue between non-state actors. In a complex international context, the presence of a large American delegation, including Matt Rodriquez, Secretary of State for Environmental Protection, and Mike Barett, Massachusetts State Senator, will be a strong marker the mobilization of American actors and a desire to create synergies between the various initiatives.
The future of the world is through Africa
The organization of this second edition in Morocco demonstrates a will to put Africa at the center of the debates and opens a forum for him of choice.
The African continent is particularly vulnerable to climate change. It is also the one that can give some of the answers the world needs. That is why the focus will be on its issues and on issues of migration and development, nancing of adaptation and challenges for African cities will be debated.
The Climate Chance summit is an opportunity to take part in the different projects undertaken in this direction, to know the advances and the prospects offered by the African continent. With this in mind, the day of September 12 will be dedicated to the action of African local elected representatives. Their call, which will echo the US initiative «We are still in», and supported by the world’s major networks of communities, will aspire to make their voices heard, highlight their own commitments and launch the work among all actors on the continent.
Programming to the height of the complexity of the climate issue
In order to meet the objectives of the Summit:
– to consolidate the dynamics and coalitions of actors;
– analyze the progress of the action;
– disseminating best practices and helping actors to adopt them;
– and to deliver a collective message to prepare new international deadlines, including COP23, the programming takes into account the diversity of issues related to climate change issues. In order to take stock of the situation, including climate negotiations, concrete actions and future prospects, the summit will be organized in several formats, in order to create a real forum for synergies and meetings, representative of all non-state actors involved in the ght against global warming.
Plenaries to deepen the debate
The plenaries will bring together key gures from international climate action to discuss key climate issues.
Opening plenary «2 years after the Paris Agreement: what is the status of its implementation? «On Monday, September 11th, from 10 am to 12 am, will enable us to report on the progress of the climate negotiations since the adoption of the Paris agreement with the major actors of COP21 and COP22. Presented by Brahim Ha di, President of the Souss Massa Region and Ronan Dantec, President of the Climate Chance Association, this plenary will feature the participation of leading actors:
– Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change;
– Salaheddine Mezouar, President of COP22;
– Manuel Pulgar Vidal, President of COP20;
– Brigitte Collet, Ambassador in charge of the negotiations on climate change in France; – Matt Rodriquez, Secretary of State for Environmental Protection, United States;
– Hakima El Haité, High Level Champion for Climate.
Throughout the plenary sessions, high-level speakers will follow in order to take stock of the mobilization of non-state actors, the progress of the action, the dif culties encountered, but also and above all the existing lines of action and possible solutions.
The closing plenary, which will take place on Wednesday September 13th, will take stock of the summit, present the Agadir declaration of climate actors and provide an overview of the next steps on the international agenda of non-state actors.
«high-level dialogues»
In the form of interactive sessions, these high-level dialogues will allow representatives of the major stakeholder networks to exchange views with key personalities on speci c topics of climate negotiations such as the advances of the Marrakech Partnership for Climate Action (MP-GCA), its possible interconnections with the objectives of sustainable development, in the presence of Climate Champion Hakima El Haité, or the Action Plan to be presented at COP23. A dialogue will also focus more speci cally on the Climate Chance Observatory on Climate Change.
focus groups
In the form of a milestone, the focus groups will be on initiatives initiated mostly by the Moroccan Presidency of COP22, such as the Triple A, Sustainable Oasis or Blue Belt initiatives. Other initiatives such as the 4 for a 1000 and the Terrawatt will have their place alongside new ones like the African Sustainable Urban Alliance or «We are still in» on the mobilization of American climate actors.
These are annual meetings of the thematic coalitions organized around the Climate Chance Association: Energy and Territories, Mobility and Transport, Agriculture, Water and Climate, Decentralized Cooperation and Partnerships, Financing, Territorial Planning, Ocean and Littoral, Multi-Stakeholder / Multi-Level Governance, Sustainable Building, Education, Circular Economy, Culture and Climate, Adaptation and Resilience, Francophonie and Climate.
Last year in Nantes, roadmaps were established and Agadir will be a first step.
workshops for Action and sharing
Through the presentation of initiatives and innovative actions related to climate change, the workshops will demonstrate the progress of the action and provide a representative panorama of the perspectives in different regions of the world. These workshops, in the form of themes related to the same issues, have the interest of showing and valuing the innovations of the non-state actors of the climate, both at a local and international level. Nearly 80 workshops, gathering more than 300 contributions, selected within the framework of the call for contribution launched by the Climate Chance Association, will be held throughout the three days of the Summit.
In total, 14 themes were selected: adaptation and resilience; forest and biodiversity; mobility and transport; ocean and coastline; culture and climate; territorial planning; education, advocacy and advocacy; Agriculture; energy: production, access, consumption; sustainable habitat; climate nancing; water and climate; decentralized cooperation and partnerships; ecological transition and jobs.
● 11 September: the opening plenary to take stock of the progress of climate actions since COP 21;
● 12 September: the day of mobilization of African elected representatives, which will end with the adoption of the Declaration of African elected representatives;
● 13 September: the adoption in plenary of the closing of the Agadir Declaration.
Side Events
At the side events, events led by different partners of the Souss-Massa Regional Council and the Climate Chance Association will highlight good practices in the ght against the effects of climate change. The Association of Regions of Morocco will intervene, for example, on the theme of the «territorial approach».
This session will allow to measure and to share the contributions of this approach in the management of the issues of climate change and in a more global way of the questions of the environment and the development. Exochems Environnement Africa will also present Project 0 Lixiviat Maroc and solutions for the management of the problem of treatment of contaminated water. The German Cooperation GIZ will speak on the theme «Planning and prospects for the implementation of National Determined Contributions (NDC) in the MENA countries». Finally, a trophy «Climate Initiatives» will be organized on the sidelines of the Summit.
climate chance 2017, continuing Previous editions
The Climate Chance 2017 summit is a continuation of previous editions of the «Climate Chance 2016 Summit» held in Nantes and «The 2015 Climate and Territories Summit» organized in Lyon.
In the same spirit, the 2017 edition, organized for the rst time on an African territory, should capitalize on two years of work and exchanges between non-state participants.
The 2017 edition will also take stock of the scope of these recommendations in previous years, including funding and the adoption of a territorial approach.
l Some of the strong points that have marked the previous editions should be mentioned.
Climate summit and Territories of 2015, which launched the dynamics Climate Chance, allowed to unite 15 thematic coalitions, and helped support the lobbying efforts aimed at recognizing the role of non-state actors in the Paris Agreement on the eve of COP21.
The Climate Chance 2016 Summit, which brought together nearly 3,000 actors engaged in the ght against climate change from 62 nationalities, helped to structure and strengthen the 15 coalitions set up at the Lyon Summit, two new coalitions. This edition was mainly marked by the adoption of the Nantes Declaration of the actors of the climate, which is to this day the declaration of the non-state actors the most widely signed declaration on the climate in the history of the negotiations on the climate.
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